Saturday, September 23, 2006

Excuses, Excuses

Everyday that I get up I have to make a choice to have a good day or a bad day. Some days are harder than others, and lots of times I fail to make the right choice.

There have been days that I have been unable to take care of myself and I have to entrust other people to make the right choices for me.

Even though I am mentally ill, I am still responsible for my behavior and the choices I make for this behavior. There are times where my mind is uncontrollable. I am angry and unbearable to my family. I am a danger to myself sometimes. This is not my fault. The choices I make about how to deal with this is responsibility and the bad choices are my fault.

For instance, it is not a diabetics fault that they have diabetes. It is not that persons fault if their blood sugar gets low and they end up in the hospital. It is their fault if they eat what they are not supposed to, don't exercise like they are supposed to, and don't take their insulin.

When I get sick, it is up to me to let the people around me help me with this. I must get take my meds, get enough sleep, and do what I can to get through the bad times. I must say that this is not applicable to all mental illness. For some people there just isn't the ability to know that they are not well. For a lot of us there is and we owe it to ourselves and our family to take care of ourselves.

I read and watch in the news far too often people using mental illness as an excuse for the crimes they commit. I have learned that there is a host of things I can do and use my mental illness as the reason. I can be a school teacher and have sex with my students. I can hide my boyfriend in the closet and later kill my husband. I can gamble and shoplift. I can hurt my children and have affairs. I can spend all my family's money or have sex with many people.

Again, I know that there are people out there that these things can occur because their illness has taken over. I do not think that most fit into this category. I think that it is an easy excuse to get away with behaviors that they do not want to be held accountable for poor choices. If they do not think it is wrong would they try to hide it?


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